by Appraisal Economics | Oct 16, 2019 | portfolio valuation, Valuation
Periodically, institutional investors are required to report the values of their portfolio investments to their investors. The goal, of course, is to show an increase in the portfolio’s value. However, investing for growth while also managing risk is a tough equation....
by Appraisal Economics | Oct 9, 2019 | Restructuring, Valuation
Sometimes a distressed business’ best path forward is to take advantage of the benefits of bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is a legal declaration of a debtor’s inability to meet and pay their liabilities, and it can play out in three ways. Chapter 7 involves a trustee...
by Appraisal Economics | Aug 20, 2019 | Valuation
Convertible securities come in many forms—convertible notes, convertible bonds, and convertible preferred shares, to name a few. Generally, they are interest-bearing, fixed-income debt securities that may also be converted into a predetermined number of common stock...
by Appraisal Economics | Aug 13, 2019 | Business Valuation
Employee Stock Purchase Plans (ESPPs) are an excellent way to maximize employee compensation at a modest cost, but the benefits go well beyond remuneration. A well-structured ESPP also engages employees by helping to create an ownership culture. Employees will do what...
by Appraisal Economics | Jul 18, 2019 | Business Valuation, Valuation
Global demand for solar power is on the rise and rightfully so: it is an efficient form of green energy and a renewable solution toward lowering greenhouse emissions and addressing climate change. Government incentives, tax rebates, and lower prices have fueled...